Monday, March 30, 2020

Cheating On Your Chemistry Tutor Fee

Cheating On Your Chemistry Tutor FeeA typical chemical tutor fee is around four hundred dollars per hour, or perhaps even a little less. Sometimes you can sign up for your tutor at least a week before the first class, which is a good way to get the full effect of the tutoring process.Often, this tutor will be free to take as many students as you like. This flexibility is great because it will allow you to set up lessons for when you have the time is right. You may be able to find a tutor to cover as many as five different classes over the course of one semester, if you do well enough in the initial introduction course.After you've decided on the tutor, the next step is to get a copy of the syllabus. It's a good idea to look over the syllabus before you sign up for your tutor. You want to be sure that there aren't any surprises when it comes to the chemistry syllabus, and that you're up to speed on all of the topics covered in the course. Since you'll be expected to understand the mat erial, a poorly prepared student may not be good enough for the professor's taste.You can find tutors online. Some of these tutors will charge a fee, but a good portion of them will probably be willing to help out as much as they can with your teaching needs. There are online chemistry forums where you can sign up for any tutoring you may need.The time between when you sign up for your tutor and when the first class starts is crucial. If you miss this window, it's possible that you will not get the best possible tutoring for your needs. Always make sure that you arrive early at the first class, and that you take the appropriate number of hours on your first day of class.During your tutoring session, you should be careful to keep your tutor's company. If they feel like they are just one of the loners in the classroom, that will make it difficult for them to provide you with the attention that you need. You should never force your tutor to talk to you. Instead, just allow them to hold your hand, lean in close, or tap you on the arm.Also, avoid any type of shouting or arguing during your tutoring session. It might seem fun to be loud and unpleasant, but that's not a good thing to do. And it can have negative effects on your chemistry tutor fee. You want to make sure that you're using a well-established method of communication that does not require you to shout, or argue, and that you're able to maintain eye contact with your tutor.If your tutor comes to class with you, don't hesitate to bring up your worries and your concerns. Your chemistry tutor fee doesn't have to be the worst thing in the world if you are able to handle conflict properly. You're always trying to improve your grade so it's important that you are able to handle confrontation when necessary.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teach Away FAQ Column Your Questions and Answers!

Teach Away FAQ Column Your Questions and Answers! Teach Away always welcomes any questions you may have about teaching abroad or our application process on social media and over email.We receive so many queries every day that we thought we’d share some of the most commonly asked questions and answers with you in a new weekly column. Please feel free to submit your teach abroad questions on Facebook and Twitter, or in the comments section below and we’ll answer as many as we can. Remember, if you have questions specific to your application, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Placement Coordinator.Q: I applied for a job about 3 weeks ago, but I haven’t heard from anyone at Teach Away. When will I hear back? Will I get an email?We wish we could respond personally to everyone who applies for a job, but unfortunately, we receive such a high number of applications that this just isn’t possible. You can always check the status of your application, though:Log in to your personal Dashboard: Click on “My Jobs” near the top right of your Dashboard. You’ll see a list of your applications and their statuses.If you are being considered as a potential candidate, a Placement Coordinator will email you to discuss your next steps and the possibility of setting up a phone interview. Response times can vary, but as a general rule of thumb, you will usually hear back from someone within 1-2 weeks if you are being considered. If you haven’t heard back, there is a good chance that unfortunately you are not being considered for the next steps. However, check your Spam folder to be sure you haven’t missed an email! Be sure to mark “” as an allowed domain so that you don’t miss any communication.Q: How often do you post new jobs? What days do you usually add them to your site?We post new jobs as soon as the position opens up. This means that there’s no set schedule: there may be 2 new jobs on Monday, another one on Tuesday, and 5 more on Friday, for examp le. In a typical week, we will usually have anywhere from 5-20 new jobs open up, so we encourage you to check back every few days to see what’s new!We do also post notifications about new jobs on Twitter, so if you follow us, you won’t miss anything.Q: I’m thinking about applying for some teaching jobs in Abu Dhabi, but I’d like to get in touch with teachers that are currently living there to ask them some questions. In particular, I’m interested in speaking to other teachers with young children to ask for their advice and hear their situations. Is it possible to get in touch with some of your current teachers by email?We can’t give out teachers’ emails, unfortunately, as this would violate their privacy. However, we have created Google Communities to give teachers a chance to talk to each other and ask questions. The community for teachers in Abu Dhabi is particularly active, so check it out! There are lots of teachers in various stages: some are in the application pr ocess, some are currently in Abu Dhabi, and others are teachers who were formerly in Abu Dhabi who are just happy to provide support and answers.There are also a number of other communities, including one that’s about teaching abroad in general. You can find them all on our G+ page: Alternatively, you can check out the “Discussions” tab on our Facebook page (just under the cover photo).

Tutoring Center Jobs and Opportunities in Clemson, South Carolina

Tutoring Center Jobs and Opportunities in Clemson, South CarolinaIf you're looking for a job at a tutoring center in Clemson, South Carolina, be sure to be prepared for the above-average pay and benefits. This is because the tutoring center job market is competitive and many opportunities exist.Some of the main tutoring center jobs include English Language Arts, math tutoring, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and math tutoring. Every tutoring center also offers computer support. You can even become a bookkeeper. Some of the better jobs can pay more than ten thousand dollars a year.A tutoring center also offers life insurance and will assist you in obtaining this. You can always learn to speak Spanish. Most tutoring centers offer tutoring on their first floor, so that you can take classes at any time and work on your Spanish work in the evenings after the classes are over.Tutoring center jobs are also available online. You can post your resume on the tutoring center's we bsite and they'll add it to their database. If they find you to be a competent teacher, you can apply for an interview. Of course, you need to be qualified for the position you're applying for.If you live in Clemson, there are two professional tutoring centers. The first is the Tutoring Center at Clemson University and the second is the Tutoring Center at Winthrop University. All Tutoring Centers have active websites.If you want to become a tutor in Clemson, you must first visit the Tutoring Center at Clemson University. This is one of the top educational institutes and provides excellent opportunities for tutors. They help students who are not able to attend college. Students who already have a Bachelor's degree or higher are also eligible for tutoring positions.The Tutoring Center at Winthrop University is an all-girls educational institute. They offer a four-year degree program in which tutors teach introductory English courses and then receive their Master's degree. Students are also awarded scholarships for taking up the degree.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Wsea Tutoring Jobs

Wsea Tutoring JobsIf you are looking for information about wsea tutoring jobs, then you have come to the right place. We will be providing you with the best info regarding wsea tutoring jobs so that you will have a better understanding about this career.There are various tutoring companies in the world who are always looking for wsea tutors to teach their classes and programs. You will find many companies that employ tutors with high academic grades, while some other companies hire individuals who have no previous experience in teaching. You will find that there are lots of companies that give you the choice between paying the tuition fee and pay weekly or monthly fees to your tutor.One of the best advantages of wsea tutoring jobs is that you can easily find them at low rates. You may not find such opportunity because you may need to be very motivated and dedicated to pursuing this career. To start off, you have to find out a company who has a good reputation and you can then go to t heir website and search for a list of their tutors that you can choose from.In order to work for a good company, you will have to take on the responsibility of looking after the classes of students so that they can take part in your classes for flexible schedule. You can work with your colleagues and help them with their studies so that the group as a whole get education. You may be asked to teach several different subjects depending on the school.In the first place, the main purpose of the school students is to learn something, so that they can become better and smarter. They are not supposed to sit in class and get nothing done. The tutors will teach the students as per their capacity, knowledge and expertise so that everyone can benefit.Apart from teaching, you can also work in the company as amarketer, project manager and sales manager. Many companies offer a salary of $15-$20 per hour and may even include bonuses. If you are working at the same time in your home, you will need to provide a proof of residency so that you can be approved for the job.There are different ways that you can look for the best wsea tutoring jobs, but you should ensure that the company that you are applying to is genuine and authentic. Most of the companies have websites that you can find and then fill up the details. The best way to find the right position is to ask around and visit schools and companies in your area that offer wsea tutoring jobs.

Another Pre Pre SAT Test

Another Pre Pre SAT Test The College Board, the creators of the SAT, introduced a junior version of the exam for eighth graders in 2010 called the ReadiStep, according to an article in theNew York Times. The ReadiStep is a two-hour test and has questions written in the same style as the PSAT and the SAT. The test is scored 2-8 for each section, similar to the 20-80 score range on the PSAT and SAT. Nearly 250,000 students have already taken this test in the fall of 2010, most of whom are in Texas because the state education department offered to cover the tests $8 charge for every student as part of a larger college-readiness program. The College Board created this test to help schools and districts better measure middle school students potential not just on entrance exams but also for college-level work. ReadiStep is designed to be very similar to the PSAT and SAT, said Glenn B. Milewski, executive director of ReadiStep and the PSAT.It is essentially a learning tool. Its intended to help schools and districts improve their curricula and instructional practices. The PSAT is the qualifying exam for National Merit scholarships. However, opponents of the test are arguing that it creates a lot of unnecessary stress to many students at such a young age. Some believe that districts and states are becoming too obsessed with properly assessing students. They question this tests ability to properly determine how well a student will perform on the SAT four, five years down the road. Its just deceptive as can be, said W. James Popham, professor emeritus in the graduate school of education at the University of California, Los Angeles. It conveys the notion that your child has these strengths and weaknesses, when theres no way to tell. Popham is actually in favor of early testing for students, but not the ReadiStep. Some even believe that the College Board is trying to take advantage of over-zealous parents, hoping to get their students involved in the competitive college-application process early. Where does it stop? asked Louis J. Kruger, an associate professor in the school psychology program at Northeastern University in Boston. If you can prepare them in eighth grade, cant you prepare them even earlier than that? Theres already considerable stress and anxiety today in public school students in regard to being assessed, and the assessment as being a gateway to college. The test has three, 40-minute sections in mathematics, critical reading and writing. Students are scored 2-8 on each test with 2-2.9 being a low score and 6-8 being a high score. Students also receive suggestions on how to improve their learning based on their scores. The test is still too young to measure any of its results on students PSAT or SAT scores years later. However, students who take the PSAT twice scored about 120 points higher on average on the SATs three subsets than those who did not. Typically, students who take the PSAT multiple times are more dedicated to education than those who do not.

How to Learn Arabic

How to Learn Arabic Is Learning Arabic Difficult? And How Long Does It Take? ChaptersIs It Difficult to Learn Arabic for Beginners?How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Arabic?Can You Learn Arabic In One Month With Arabic Lessons?You’ll often hear how difficult it is to learn Arabic for Europeans or North Americans. The Arabic alphabet, byzantine grammar, and pronunciation are all radically different from our Romance and Germanic roots, not to mention the Arabic grammar and how to pronoun some words and phrases.A native English speaker can learn to speak Italian, Spanish, or French without too much difficulty because all the Indo-European languages have similar linguistic roots.When you first begin studying Arabic, you’ll suddenly discover that it’s a lot more difficult than you thought.For a complete newcomer to the language, learning all of its forms and rules can be quite challenging.Of course, we aren’t denying that it can be a struggle, but as Jacques CÅ"ur (the first French merchant to negotiate and establish commercial relationships with the peop le of the Middle East in the 15th century) said, “for a brave soul, nothing is impossible.”And how long will it take to learn the Arabic language? One month? A year? More than a year?How much work will it take to learn Arabic? What are the main challenges you face studying the language?That’s what we’ll be discussing in this article - here are our best thoughts and advice on how hard it is to learn Arabic, and how long it will take you to become fluent. HalimaArabic Teacher £13/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KotaibaArabic Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SoledadArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NancyArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaouesArabic Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DinaArabic Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AbrarArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UsamaArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesso n free!Discover all our tutorsIs It Difficult to Learn Arabic for Beginners?Learning a foreign language is never easy. Like they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. So, how hard is it to learn Arabic?Learning Arabic is difficult, but if your persevere you will achieve your goals!The decision to learn the Arabic language will require a considerable personal investment. Is it difficult to learn spoken Arabic dialects? A linguist might equivocate and tell you, “maybe so, maybe no.”Not everyone who attempts to study Arabic will have the same ability to grasp new concepts quickly.For some people, learning the basics of the Arabic language will be easier than for others, especially if they’ve already studied another language like French, Spanish, Italian, or German.Someone who begins taking Arabic classes from a young age will also find it easier to pick up the language’s alphabet, grammar with its personal and possessive pronouns, suffixes, and prefixes, and vocabulary.Right from the start, it’s a good idea to put your preconceptions and clichés about Arabic to one side - as the 5th most spoken language in the world and an official language in 23 countries, it is very useful to learn to speak Arabic.But because of its alphabet and its script, the language of the Quran can often seem impossible to learn.Arabic is a Semitic language, meaning it is a trilateral language, one where the spoken version of the language has a common root that can be traced to three consonants. With only a few vowels and many consonants, the Arabic language is quite different from American English, or German, French, or Spanish.Arabic pronunciation requires a sort of guttural gymnastics, and language students will have to leave their comfort zone behind. Learning to speak Arabic can often feel like trying to find your way out of a boobytrapped house.However, you’d be surprised to realize just how many Arabic words we use in English every day.As you go through your Arabic classes you’ll quickly realize that many of our everyday words have been borrowed from Arabic, and you may even recognize some of the sounds.Here’s our advice for learning Arabic the easy way:Breakdown your challengesLet go of your preconceptions of the Arabic languageLearn to recognise the new sounds that you aren’t familiar withMaster the Arabic alphabet, with its 4 styles of each of the 28 letters (beginning, middle, end, and solo), These need to be learned by heart, and this is one of the hardest things to do for a beginner.Decide which type of Arabic to learn. The diglossia of the language into written and spoken forms means there’s a careful choice to make with the version of the language you learn. It is more difficult to learn spoken Arabic dialects, because each version is different across the Arab world depending on the country you’re in, with each dialect having it's own colloquial native language which is enough to confuse any new learner. It’s much better to go wit h Modern Standard Arabic, which like the name suggests, has been standardized for all the Arab countries.Learn the Arabic script and get used to reading it from right to left - it’s an extra challenge when you’re coming from a language that uses the Latin alphabet.Finally, if you truly want to become bilingual in Arabic, or even if you just want to learn the basics of the language, it’s worth investing in some good learning materials: make a point of speaking to native Arabic speakers to improve your verbal skills, and check out books, dictionaries, online Arabic classes, and apps to help you learn Arabic for free…not to mention private Arabic lessons London or classes at a language school.Learning Arabic is a fairly complicated goal, but it isn’t impossible to achieve if you’re committed. There are ways to make learning Arabic slightly easier, but is it possible to learn quickly?How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Arabic?There’s no magic formula, and the time it takes you to learn Arabic will depend on you and your levels of motivation.In order to learn Arabic quickly, it’s especially important to not let yourself become discouraged. Find some help so you aren’t on your own.However, here are a few guidelines to help you quickly learn Arabic:Study regularlyDon’t give upFind learning tools that are right for your level.Learning to speak, read, and write Arabic doesn't require as much studying as becoming bilingual. But there’s still no set amount of hours that will make you perfect at Arabic.For an English speaker, it’ll always be easier to learn Spanish or German than to learn Arabic. However, it is true that you can learn Arabic through Spanish (a Romance language), due to their close history.The Iberian peninsula (ie, Spain and Portugal) and Septimania (today the Languedoc region of France) were conquered by the Omayyad Caliphate (an Arab dynasty which traces its roots to Mohammed) from 711 when Sevilla was conquered.For more than 700 years, Islam and Arabic mixed with the Spanish language. The Visigoth and Latin peoples converted to Islam, and 80% of the population was Muslim, right up until the long  â€œReconquista” and the fall of Grenada in 1492.Medieval Spain, once known as Al-Andalus, assimilated many different aspects of Arabic culture, such as architecture, arts, science, literature, and language.Due to the period which followed the victory for the Arabs from Sevilla to Arles, the Spanish language now contains more than 4000 Arabic words today.In order to learn the Arabic language, immerse yourself in the language and culture. Repeat, reflect, and work on your Arabic.A few weeks of classes won’t be enough. You can take intensive classes to learn quickly, but you’ll really need a few months to learn to read and write the Arabic alphabet properly, not to mention master the grammar (pronouns, verbs, and sentence construction) and idiomatic expressions.Although some people challenge this, it is widely thought that an American or a French person who wants to learn Arabic will need at least 88 weeks (2200 hours) of classes in order to learn to speak Arabic. In contrast, learning French would take just 600 hours.The Assimil method helps Arabic students work on repeating and memorizing simple sentences that use vocabulary and adverbs to learn progressively.But all of these daily chores need to be learnt in Arabic - run errands, clean the house, read the papers, listen to the Moroccan or Egyptian radio - and its crucial to commit at least 15 to 20 minutes to studying every day.In order to succeed at learning Arabic, there are many tools you can use to assist in your studies:Online videos and podcastsArabic conversations between native speakersBooks that help you work through each level (introduction to Arabic, Arabic for beginners, intermediates, or advanced).Listen to Moroccan or Egyptian singers and imagine yourself transported to a full immersion experience.Sign up for private Arab ic classes at home - there are many ways to find private teachers, experienced at teaching Arabic to adults and children of all ages. Superprof is one.Arabic language classes at a language school or a mosqueClasses in high school or university - one module lasts for one or two semesters and can help you learn all the basics of literary Arabic (alphabet, reading and writing the Arabic script, grammar, verbs, vocabulary, and pronunciation).Online Arabic classes - there are tons of websites offering free online courses to learn Arabic quicklyStudy abroad - the best way to learn out of them all. Head to Cairo or Casablanca to learn Egyptian Arabic or Darija (Moroccan Arabic)Are you headed off to an Arabic speaking country next month and want to learn a few key phrases in Arabic before you go? Here’s what to do.Can You Learn Arabic In One Month With Arabic Lessons?Unfortunately, we’d generally have to say no. However, you can find intensive language courses in most major cities which will get you reading and writing a few basic Arabic phrases within a month.Most programs offer you an optimal language learning experience that is intensive and quick.Are you headed off to Morocco or Egypt? Sign up for an intensive Arabic course.In a language school that specializes in Arabic, you can learn:The Arabic alphabetBegin to understand the spelling and pronunciation of the different Arabic letters (vowel, consonants, hamza)Learn how to write basic words in ArabicLearn to read Arabic lettersImprove your Arabic vocabularyBegin to be able to express yourself in Arabic verbally, at least to a novice level.Here are the places to go to learn Arabic quickly:Private lessons at home - when you’re starting from scratch, imitate, repeat, and speak like your private teacher. You can find a native Egyptian or Moroccan Arabic speaker on the Superprof platform, or check out Craigslistarabic courses online where you can learn quickly and for free. Check out Madinah Online or lexilogos for more resourcesStudy abroad - the best way to learn Arabic in one month would be to take an intensive course while also living in full language immersion. When you arrive you will need to renounce English and go out and meet local people to speak with them!Thanks to our common history and culture, learning Arabic is much less difficult and time-hogging than learning Hungarian, Thai, or Korean!

Everything You Need to Know about Japanese Anime Culture.

Everything You Need to Know about Japanese Anime Culture. A Quick Guide to the World of Anime and Manga. ChaptersWhy is Anime So Popular in Japan?Which are Japan’s Most Popular Anime?And Who are the Most Famous Anime Characters?How to Draw Your Own Anime Character: The Art Style and Techniques of Anime.Manga and anime are perhaps Japan’s biggest cultural export â€" and they make up one of the most recognisable art styles on the planet.Since the nineties, when everyone in the western world was suddenly talking about Pokémon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Dragon Ball Z, anime has become something of a household term. Something completely associated with Japan and something that has become one of the biggest cultural trends among children and young adults ever since.Yet, the world of Japanese anime is a lot more varied and complex than we in the west might realise. ‘Anime’ only in the west refers to Japanese animation as a whole. In Japanese culture, anime is actually a term for any mass-produced animation, Japanese or non-Japanese.And, importantly, in Japan, anime is not just a culture for kids. Rather, anime series like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Attack on Titan, Death Note, and Cowboy Bebop were all hugely successful amongst adults too. Indeed, many of these series were actually intended for adults â€" developing complex themes and plotlines and presenting three-dimensional and realistic characters.This is the beauty of anime. It can range from the shoujo anime shows such as the ‘magical girl’ series like Cardcaptor Sakura to the poetic and haunting anime movies like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke. It’s an incredibly rich culture â€" so let’s take a dive in. Most anime comes originally from the manga series. NanaJapanese Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EllyJapanese Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MomokoJapanese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MelanieJapanese Teacher £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YukoJapanese Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamesJapanese Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PippaJapanese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarikoJapanese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy is Anime So Popular in Japan?In the west, we associate anime with Japan and â€" almost â€" Japan with anime. It’s a massive part of their cultural industry â€" and is perhaps the country’s third-largest industry. This makes it, obviously, pretty mega, bringing in nearly twenty billion dollars a year.Yet, the success of anime across the world is one of t he most amazing things about this genre. Apparently, sixty percent of all animated television shows across the world come from Japan. The anime industry in China is absolutely huge, whilst, in the west, various channels and services distributing anime have made it ever more popular.Over the years, channels like Cartoon Network â€" with Adult Swim and Toonami â€" and now anime streaming sites such as Crunchyroll and Funimation have brought this medium to an ever-growing audience. These days, over one hundred thousand people attend America’s annual anime convention.And Anime in Japanese Culture?Yet, so the history goes, Japanese anime was originally marketed incredibly aggressively to a global audience â€" precisely because there weren’t enough anime fans in Japan.But, now, anime is pretty much everywhere in that country. In 2014, 2015, and 2016, six of the ten highest-grossing movies were anime, whilst Spirited Away remains the biggest-selling film in Japan. Seventy percent of Ja panese DVD sales are also anime.Anime is visible everywhere. In adverts, in branding for water and snacks, on trains, school buses, and in airports. It has become a ubiquitous cultural force that has come to define the country itself.Yet, it goes without saying that not everyone likes it. And, even in the world of anime, many people are concerned about the commercialisation of the form. With every successful anime undergoing adaptation into a light novel, a live action film, video games, merchandise, music, and manga, the industry is sort of all encompassing.In the same way that Disney makes a lot of the products that it sells alongside the films themselves â€" there is a Pokémon theme park just as there is a Disneyland â€" anime does the same.And I’m sure you’ll agree that not everyone likes Disney.Find out more about Japan’s relationship with anime! Anime literally is everywhere.Which are Japan’s Most Popular Anime?To identify a best anime, or even a most popular anime series, is a difficult task. This is because there are anime for young girls (known as shoujo anime), anime for teenage guys (shounen anime), and animes also for adults.This is the key to the success of the anime industry in Japan. But it also warns against treating anime like a monolithic thing.However, some anime are easy to point at and identify as extremely popular. Take the films of Studio Ghibli â€" Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away ­â€" which each in turn was the highest-grossing anime film ever. Until Spirited Away came out in China in 2019, Your Name, of 2016, was the biggest-selling anime film in Japan. So, this could be said to be pretty popular too.Iconic Anime Series.Some of the most iconic, if not the best anime series, have changed the way that anime was consumed and appreciated. And these would be recognised by many people across Japan â€" and the world.Take Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy, for example, from the sixties, which defined the style of anime that we know today.Or else, think of Mobile Suit Gundam, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Neon Genesis Evangelion, which changed the direction of anime for the following decade.These are the classics of the genre. However, they may not exactly be the most popular anime around.The Most Popular Anime?Crudely, we could call the most popular anime those that have sold the most. In this way, Dragon Ball â€" with its famous central character, Goku â€" along with One Piece have both sold over three hundred million manga editions.In terms of anime, the biggest-selling movies are those we discussed by Studio Ghibli â€" plus Howl’s Moving Castle ­â€" as well as titles including Detective Conan and Pokémon.Learn more about some of the most popular anime in Japan!And Who are the Most Famous Anime Characters?The fame of the anime characters is roughly proportionate to the popularity â€" or at least ubiquity â€" of the anime or manga series or film.And, so, Goku will be up there with the most recognised anime characters of all time. So will Pikachu â€" and almost certainly Astro Boy.However, these are not necessarily the most interesting of the characters that can be found in anime. Rather, anime is known for the complexity and depth of its characters. They develop, they show consistency, nuance, and definition, and they are used to convey themes both subtle and important.Shinji.Take Shinji, the main character from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Whilst a lot of popular animated series in the west pivot between two types of heroes â€" the badass warrior dude and the reluctant anti-hero â€" Shinji takes on a much greater emotional depth.Pressured by his estranged father to become a robot pilot to fight against ‘Angels’ threatening humanity, Shinji shrinks from the role â€" showing a vulnerability, apathy, and relationship to his parents which made him a really convincing and engaging character.Spike Spiegel.Or, alternatively, take a character like Spike Spiegel, from the anime aimed at adult audiences, Cowboy Bebop. The whole show is an unconventional animated series, grappling with themes such as loneliness and memory â€" and the struggle of moving on from pain.Spike loses the woman he loved, and his psychological drama revolves around his inability â€" or lack of attempts â€" to get over this.Find out more about these characters and other popular Japanese anime characters! Of course you recognise the anime character, Pikachu!How to Draw Your Own Anime Character: The Art Style and Techniques of Anime.What makes Japanese animation so recognisable is its incredibly distinctive style. Unlike the styles of classic American cartoons such as The Simpsons and Tom Jerry, Japanese anime is instantly identifiable.Even across the dramatically different styles of Tezuka, Hayao Miyazaki, and Toshihiro Kawamoto, there are a number of similarities that unite them. And, if you want to draw your own anime characters, it is important that you know these styles inside out.Eyes.First is the role of the eyes in anime. These are typically large â€" either oval or tightened into straight-lined slits.The role of the eyes is crucial to anime, because this is the place that most of the expressive work takes place. The eyes in anime are hugely dynamic, changing from frame to frame with the emotional content of the scene.And this is also anime’s most characteristic feature. Wit hout this â€" although Miyazaki does not indulge too much in this particular characteristic â€" your characters may not look like anime.Hair.After the eyes, the hair is the most recognisable feature of anime characters. It is large, eye-catching, and dramatic â€" often with spikes, strange styles, and movements.You’ll find that it also comes in strange colours. This is not random â€" as you will find that most of the colour choices correspond to particular symbolisms.The Tropes.The final thing you will need to remember if you are developing your own anime is that, in Japanese animation, the characters’ expressions often follow a particular typology of tropes.So, if your character is nervous, he or she needs to have drops of sweat all over their body. If your character is in pain, crossed plasters and large bulges are required. If you’re character is laughing, they need to screw up their eyes.If you want to learn more about the style of anime drawing, read our article!